There is no substitute for the Toyota Factory Service Manuals.
I spent an entire day downloading these and another 4 days compiling them into a useable format. Each section is bookmarked the same way the hard copy is laid out. I also include some real bonus features not available in print from your local Toyota dealer.
PayPal: jon (at) sdsysdesign (dot) com. The price is $70 (seventy dollars in US currency). For that you will receive a DropBox link which will enable you to download the entire directory, which currently has about 50 files. Many are snips out of the FSM and EWD that simplify troubleshooting.
Let's also keep in mind that you can download the manual in sections at and do all the work yourself. There is also a thread on the forum on how to do this in an automated way. What you're paying for is my time and effort to do this. If you don't want to pay me or feel that the price is unreasonable, then please don't bother me.
The 1991FJ80 Maintenance Manual disk includes:
- 1991 Factory Service Manual (FSM)
- 1991 Electronic Wiring Diagram (EWD)
- Wiring Harness Repair Manual
- Collision Repair Manual
- Technical Training Manual
- And a few more tasty tidbits...

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